Yesterday, I had a shoot with Vita who works in the fashion industry as a buyer for Macy's. She hired me to shoot some NYC pics so she could send some home to her family. The heat in the city was pretty brutal which made running around the lower west side a little uncomfortable, especially for Vita who trekked around with four inch high heal shoes on for most of the day.

I usually like to meet a client before shooting, but in Vita's case we didn't have a chance to meet before hand, so we kind of grew more comfortable with each other as the day progressed.

The original idea for our shoot was to capture NYC moments like the picture to the left where Vita is calling for a cab. We shot maybe 4 to 5 different takes of her running behind cabs trying to catch them. It was pretty funny because the cabs would stop and we had to tell them to keep going. There was a restaurant to the right of us which I think found it pretty entertaining as well.