The reason for my e-mail was to inquire about possible assisting opportunities. He replied letting me know he did not need any extra assistance at the present time. However, he was interested in one of my photographs, after he had viewed it from my website. He offered to trade prints, one of my prints for one of his prints. I thought this was a very flattering gesture, and possibly an unequal trade since his work sells for thousands of dollars in art galleries, and I have never attempted to sell a print as fine art.
Since he asked me to come by the studio with my print, I realized this would be a great opportunity to meet him and possibly open the door for a part time assisting position.
I went to the studio a couple of times. Each time I went, I was blown away by the professionalism of the staff and facility. I immediately knew I had to get my foot in the door.
So after meeting Howard briefly, I sent him another e-mail letting him know I was very interested in coming by the studio a couple times a week even if it is not paid just to gain more experience.
After I sent over my resume and numerous references, Howard and I sat down to discuss a possible apprenticeship. After our discussion, we determined I would be coming by the studio four times a week for the next year.
I started the apprenticeship last week.
To view Howard Schatz's work you can go to